Detained Opposition Leaders Call on UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Delegation to Meet them

2023-09-14 - 1:48 م

Bahrain Mirror: Detained opposition leaders in Jaw Central Prison called on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights delegation to meet them, stressing that the "delegation's efforts should not be limited to improving prison conditions."

The opposition leaders called on, in a joint statement on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, "the High Commissioner for Human Rights, lovers of justice and freedom, and supporters of democracy and human rights defenders, not to limit their noble efforts in Bahrain to improving prison conditions for political detainees, who are actually deprived of basic rights and are subjected to slow, systematic death."

"Rather, it is necessary to work for their immediate release, given that their arrest took place against the backdrop of the events of 2011 and for political motives, as a result of their exercise of their basic rights following unfair trials that were accompanied by several types of psychological and physical torture," they added.

The leaders also affirmed that "necessity that the issue of detainees and their release be consistent with the relentless pursuit of strengthening political freedoms and human rights. We also urge them to meet with us upon visiting Bahrain's prisons."

The statement is issued by detained oppposition leaders: Sheikh Abdul Jalil Al-Moqdad, Sheikh Ali Salman, Sheikh Mohammad Habib Al-Moqdad, Mr. Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, Sheikh Abdulhadi Al-Mokhawder, Mr. Mohammad Ali and Sheikh Saeed Al-Nouri.

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