Political Societies Praise "Al-Aqsa Flood", Call on Bahrain and Normalizing Countries to Retract

2023-10-09 - 1:49 م

Bahrain Mirror: Political societies praised the victories of the valiant Palestinian resistance over the usurping Zionist entity and its humiliation in the "Al-Aqsa flood" battle on Saturday, October 7, 2023, calling on the government of Bahrain and all governments that normalize relations with the Zionist entity to "retract the normalization agreements with this usurping entity."

The political societies stressed, in a joint statement, that "the victory of the Palestinian resistance today represents a strong and legitimate response to the insult of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and to the continuous Zionist violations against Al-Aqsa Mosque and worshipers, the Judaization of Jerusalem, the construction of settlements and the repeated brutal attacks on the unarmed people in all the Palestinian areas."

They considered "the victory of the Palestinian resistance a strong message to the world that the Palestinian people will not accept the seizure and Judaization of Al-Aqsa Mosque, or the surrender of an inch of stolen Palestinian land, and that they are ready to defend their rights and sanctities by all available means." 

The societies called on "the Arab regimes and the countries of the world to confront the widespread and brutal Zionist aggression against Palestinian cities and towns to take revenge on this operation, reject and condemn it, and to quickly provide support to the Palestinian people to strengthen their steadfastness."

They also reiterated their call to the government of Bahrain and all governments that normalize relations with the Zionist entity to "retract the normalization agreements with this usurping entity, which would not have committed its brutal crimes without these agreements that guarantee its security and stability and allow it to commit its crimes."

The signatories are:

  • Bahrain Progressive Platform
  • Al-Menbar Islamic Society
  • Nationalist Democratic Assembly
  • Unitary national democratic assemblage
  • Al-Wasat Al-Arabi Islamic Democratic Society
  • Al SaafIslamicSociety
  • NationalUnityAssembly

Arabic Version