Sheikh Al-Sanqour: Only a Determined Struggle Can Defeat the Enemy

2023-10-24 - 3:43 م

Bahrain Mirror: Sheikh Mohammad Al-Sanqour, the Friday preacher at Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque in Diraz, situated west of the capital Manama, delivered a sermon on October 20, 2023. In his address, he voiced his concerns about individuals who seem to expect justice from those openly supporting the enemy that occupies their land, labeling them as "slackers haunted by the disease of humiliation."

He went on to express his bewilderment at those who consider their mere presence and possession of a small part of Palestinian land a form of fairness, in exchange for their obedience, even when they effectively become tools for the enemy's control over their own fate. Sheikh Sanqour argued that confronting such a brutal enemy can only be accomplished through a determined struggle, adding that "it is the only option that can defeat this savage enemy and expel them from the land of Palestine."

He further emphasized that those whose bodies are being torn into pieces, who endure the destruction of their homes, and the deprivation of basic necessities like water, food and medicine, are in no way connected to the men of the resistance who humiliated the arrogant oppressors, and marked them with shame that will remain as a curse on their foreheads to end of days.

These resisters, he noted, "do so to reclaim their stolen land, protect their sacred sites, and safeguard their children's lives." The only recourse, in his view, is just retaliation against those who have no regard for their well-being or the lives of their children.

Sheikh Al-Sanqour criticized the false claims of self-defense by the Western powers, highlighting that they inhabit a land that isn't rightfully theirs and profit from the suffering of the indigenous people, who they continue to kill and forcibly displace in order to eliminate the land of Palestine. He; however, stressed that they will not be able to do so even if the East and West united.

He underscored the resilience of the people of Gaza, their commitment to their land, and their determination to thwart Israel's attempts to eliminate their cause. He called on the global community to support them.

The Sheikh expressed gratitude to the Arab and Islamic communities and all individuals of conscience worldwide who have demonstrated unwavering solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians and their pivotal cause.

He concluded his sermon by expressing deep sadness and sorrow for the victims of the deliberate and premeditated attack on Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital by the Israeli entity, causing a massacre that killed patients, women, children, doctors, and nurses. He condemned this heinous act as an expression of the entity's malevolence and part of its sinister agenda to force the people of Gaza into exile.

Arabic Version