Sayed Al-Ghuraifi: Our Heroes in Palestine are Not Terrorists or Extremists

2023-10-25 - 1:36 م

Bahrain Mirror: Scholar Sayed Abdullah Al-Ghuraifi stressed that "our heroes in Palestine are not extremists or violent," stressing that they are "heroes defending the right, dignity, sanctity and principles."

During a ceremony marking the birth of Imam Hassan al-Askari, peace be upon him, at the "Al-Naim Youths Obsequy", Al-Ghuraifi denounced dubbing Palestinian "extremists" because they "killed a Zionist aggressor who stole the land," wondering: "Do Palestinians become extremists because they defend their rights, values and principles?" 

"The murderous Zionists are the inventors of terrorism along with the forces that stand behind them and support them in this brutal terrorism," he said. 

He stated: "the massacres committed in hospitals in all locations (in the Gaza Strip) are not terrorism, but when you defend your right, land and dignity, you become a terrorist," noting that "these concepts are overturned,"  pointing out that "media changes and falsifies concepts."

Sayed Al-Ghuraifi reiterated that "defending the homeland, rights and land is not terrorism," considering that "terrorism is the fall of values and principles." He also saluted "the steadfastness of Palestinians for the sake of right, land and dignity."

Arabic Version