Prisoner of Conscience with "Psoriasis": My Condition is Getting Worse, Jaw Prison Administration Refuses to Treat Me

2023-10-26 - 1:01 م

Bahrain Mirror: Prisoner of conscience in Jaw Central Prison, Jassim Khalil Al-Saffar, who suffers from "psoriasis", complained about the medical negligence practiced against him by the prison administration in treating his condition, which has worsened recently. 

Al-Saffar said, in a video clip, that he suffered from stomach disease and vomited, and went to the prison clinic where he was given analgesic medicine without conducting tests for him, which caused him complications because the medicine did not suit his condition, stressing that his body is swollen and blood comes out of it. 

"The prison administration transferred me to the "Al-Qalaa" hospital, which is similar to a prison clinic. I did not receive treatment there and there is no dermatologist in it," Al-Saffar said, adding: "I am losing appointments and they will not set another appointment for me with a doctor."

He demanded that he be transferred to the emergency department at Al-Salmaniya Hospital to treat his condition before it worsens, stressing that psoriasis is increasing in his body, noting that he went, in March 2023, to an appointment with a doctor to renew the prescription of medication. however, the doctor told him that can't give him a prescription for not adhering to appointments.

Jassim Khalil Al-Saffar, from Al-Daih, has been detained since April 2011 and is serving a 20-year prison sentence.

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