Protests Staged across Bahrain in solidarity with Gaza

2023-11-12 - 1:30 م

Bahrain Mirror: Bahraini areas and villages witnessed marches and sit-ins on Friday, November 10, 2023, in solidarity with the people of the Gaza Strip, condemning the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Strip, and demanding the end of normalization and expulsion of the Israeli ambassador. 

Abu Saiba, located west of Bahrain, witnessed a mass march in which participants held Palestinian flags, photos of Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim and banners that read "Expel the ambassador of the occupation," and chanted "No to normalization," "Israel will not benefit you," "Death to Israel" and "Death to America."

Citizens held a sit-in in the capital, Manama, in solidarity with Gaza, and held Palestinian flags, amid a security alert by regime forces.

In Diraz, citizens took to the streets after Friday prayers holding banners that read "No to normalization" and "We are all Gaza", and demanding the cancellation of the normalization agreement between Bahrain and the occupation. 

The residents of Sanabis held a sit-in on the main street in support of the Palestinian resistance and solidarity with the Palestinian people, while a march was staged in Al-Dair in support of Palestine and the resistance, and to condemn the crimes committed by the occupation. 

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