Al-Wefaq: Bahrain Joining Coalition that Protects Israeli Occupation Reckless

2023-12-20 - 9:47 ص

Bahrain Mirror: Al-Wefaq Society condemned the Bahraini government's step of joining "a coalition to protect the interests of the Zionist entity's statelet in the Red Sea", deeming it "an act of hostile war against Palestine and the Arab and Islamic nations, making it a direct partner in the abundant blood of Palestinians that is shed every day."

Al-Wefaq stressed in a statement, issued on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, that "what the government of Bahrain has done is a reckless adventure with uncalculated consequences by continuing this aggressive alliance that completely lacks popular, legal and national legitimacy, and which puts it in the category of enemies of the central cause of the nation, hence placing it in a state of war with the entire Arab and Islamic nation." Al-Wefaq called on the authorities to "immediately withdraw from the coalition."

The Society went on to say that they have always warned that normalization is a treacherous act "that goes against our Arab and Islamic principles, and here is the normalization agreement, which is only 4 years old, dragging the government of Bahrain into a larger treacherous quagmire."
The opposition group further expressed that "the people of Bahrain stand in this historic circumstance in direct confrontation with everything that contributes to the crazy and brutal war on Gaza, and everything that is against the establishment of a Palestinian state on all Palestinian territories with Al-Quds as its capital."

It then underlined that "the departure of the authorities from the popular, Arab and Islamic consensus is a loss of all its components, a disconnection from humanity and isolation from the homeland of Bahrain, which does not accept at all to be part of these agreements that are based on starvation, murder, extermination, brutality and occupation."

Al-Wefaq reiterated that "the struggle of the Bahraini people against the criminal agreement that betrayed the national and Islamic principles of Bahrain will not stop and will continue until it is completely overthrown, because of the threat it represents to civil and national security and peace, and the perpetration of our values, principles and history."

It also called on the "wise, as well as national figures and influential people" to "put an end to this frantic madness involved in the policies of the authorities, and to work seriously towards curbing and preventing them from shedding the blood of our people in Gaza and Palestine."

Arabic Version