Protests and Sit-ins in Support of Gaza and Rejection of "Maritime Coalition" and Normalization

2023-12-23 - 4:21 م

Bahrain Mirror: Several Bahraini areas, including Manama, witnessed on Friday, December 22, 2023, marches and sit-ins in support of the Palestinian people and rejection of normalization and the US-led "maritime coalition" against Yemen, which the government of Bahrain recently joined, and in solidarity with the detained former secretary-general of Wa'ad, Ibrahim Sharif.

Diraz, located west Manama, witnessed a mass march in which participants raised the flags of Bahrain and Palestine and banners that read "We are all Gaza", "Cancel the normalization agreement and expel the ambassador of the occupation," and chanted slogans rejecting the U.S.-led "maritime coalition" against Yemen and saluting Yemen's Ansar Allah for their support for Gaza.

The people of Sitra also took to the streets to condemn the crimes of the occupation entity in Gaza and show solidarity with the Palestinian people and their resistance.

Residents held the flags of Bahrain and Palestine and banners denouncing the aggression and the "maritime coalition". The banners also included several expressions such as "Bahrainis against coalition of betrayal."

They also raised photos of US President Joe Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Minister of War Yoav Galant, side by side, with the "Leaders of Terrorism and Massacres" expression written underneath it.

Besides, a sit-in was held in front of the headquarters of the Bahrain Society against Normalization with the Zionist Enemy in the Adliya area, in Manama, where protesters denounced the Bahraini government's joining the "maritime coalition."

They demanded the release of the former secretary-general of the "Wa'ad" and prominent opposition figure Ibrahim Sharif, raising his pictures and the flags of Bahrain and Palestine, and chanting slogans "The people want to liberate Palestine", "Down with normalization", and "No Zionist embassy on Bahraini land."

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