Mass Protests in Bahrain Condemning Gov't Participation in Aggression against Yemen

2024-01-13 - 4:42 م

Bahrain Mirror: Several Bahraini areas and villages witnessed on Friday, January 12, 2024 protests condemning the participation of the Bahraini government in the American-British aggression against Yemen.

A massive march was staged in Diraz, west of the capital, Manama, after Friday prayers, under the slogan "We are with Yemen at any cost," denouncing the participation of the Bahraini government in the aggression against Yemen.

Participants raised the flags of Bahrain and Palestine and banners denouncing the aggression against Yemen and saluting "Ansar Allah".  They aslo chanting "resistance, resistance" and "America is the Great Satan."

In A'ali, participants chanted "You are the symbol of jihad", referring to Yemenis, "Death to Israel" and "Death to America."

In a similar move, the Bahraini Society Against Normalization with Zionist Enemy organized a massive march in the Salmabad area under the slogan "The Banner Will Not Fall," with the participation of a wide spectrum of Bahrainis and residents.

During the march, the flags of Palestine and Bahrain were raised, and banners that read "Thank you, Republic of South Africa" and "Stop the aggression against Gaza." Meanwhile, participants in the march chanted "No Zionist embassy on the Bahraini soil" and "No American bases on the Bahraini soil."

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