US Officials: US Military Buildup in Middle East buildup Costs $1.6 Billion

2024-01-25 - 2:03 م

Bahrain Mirror: The US Department of Defense said that the US military buildup in the Middle East since October 7, 2023 cost $1.6 billion.

"Politico" website quoted two US officials as saying that the US Department of Defense is unable to pay this bill due to lawmakers' inability to pass a budget.

"The overall number includes the cost to send additional warships, fighter jets and equipment to the region, and keep them there for the last four months," the officials said.

They noted that "This does not include the cost of the missiles the US military has expended striking Houthi positions in Yemen or knocking down drones and missiles in the Red Sea, because there is not enough data yet to make those calculations."

Over a full year, the cost for the military surge could rise to $2.2 billion, according to the estimate.

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