Sheikh Rahma: Refraining from Registering Endowments in Real Estate Registry Doesn't Invalidate Endowment Status

Sheikh Ali Rahma
Sheikh Ali Rahma

2024-03-11 - 10:25 ص

Bahrain Mirror: In his Friday sermon, Sheikh Ali Rahma inquired about "the reason behind the obstruction of registering many endowments belonging to the Jaafari Endowments Directorate in the real estate registry," noting that "this has made those endowments vulnerable to loss."

"This is what we hear from time to time about the transformation of a certain lawfully religious endowment into private property," stated Sheikh Rahma in his sermon, emphasizing that "the refusal to register endowments in the registry does not invalidate their endowment status, both in reality and according to Sharia law, nor does it convert them into public properties. This right rather remains preserved legally and religiously."

He warned that "anyone who transgresses against a legal endowment will be subject to the saying of Allah in Surah Al-Baqarah: ‘So whoever alters it after he has heard it - the sin is only upon those who have altered it. Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.'"


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