Authorities Refuse to Temporarily Release Abduljalil Al-Singace to Participate in his Nephew's Funeral
The authorities refused to temporarily release prisoner of conscience and leader of the "Haq" Movement, Dr. Abduljalil Al-Singace, to participate in the funeral of his nephew, Ahmed Al-Singace.
Detained Opposition Leaders Call on UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Delegation to Meet them
Detained opposition leaders in Jaw Central Prison called on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights delegation to meet them, stressing that the "delegation's efforts should not be limited to improving prison conditions."
Bahrain Suddenly Postpones Visit of UN High Commissioner for HR Delegation without Informing it of Reasons
Bahrain has suddenly postponed a visit by a delegation from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, which was scheduled for the next few days.
Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja Resumes Hunger Strike after Jaw Prison Administration Refused to Transfer him to Hospital: Reuters
Prominent rights activist Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja resumed his hunger strike on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, after Jaw prison authorities did not allow him to get to a scheduled medical appointment, Reuters reported.
"منتدى البحرين": السلطات أجّلت زيارة وفد المفوّضية السامية لأنّ لديها ما تخفيه عنه
أكد رئيس منتدى البحرين لحقوق الإنسان باقر درويش أنّ تأجيل زيارة وفد المفوضية السامية لحقوق الإنسان اليوم الأربعاء 13 سبتمبر أيلول 2023 يعطي إجابة واضحة حول عدم جدية ما سُمّي الخطة الوطنية لحقوق الإنسان
"الوفاق" ترحّب بزيارة المفوضية السامية وتؤكد استعدادها للمساهمة بخطة إنقاذ وطني
رحّبت جمعية الوفاق بزيارة المفوضية السامية لحقوق الإنسان التابعة للأمم المتحدة إلى البحرين مؤكدة أنّ الزيارة تأتي في ظل أوضاع إنسانية وحقوقية وسياسية صعبة بعد انعدام الثقة وغياب العقد الاجتماعي بين الحاكم والمحكومين
البحرين تؤجّل فجأة زيارة وفد المفوضية السامية من دون إبلاغه بأسباب التأجيل أو متى سيكون موعده
أجّلت البحرين فجأة زيارة وفد المفوضية السامية لحقوق الإنسان التابعة للأمم المتحدة والتي كانت مقرَّرة في الأيام القليلة المقبلة
"رويترز": عبدالهادي الخواجة يستأنف إضرابه عن الطعام بعد رفض إدارة سجن "جَوْ" نقله إلى المستشفى
ذكرت وكالة رويترز أنّ معتقل الرأي عبدالهادي الخواجة استأنف إضرابه عن الطعام يوم الأربعاء 13 سبتمبر أيلول 2023 بعد أنْ رفضت إدارة سجن جَوْ المركزي نقله إلى المستشفى لإجراء معاينة طبية محدَّدة مسبقاً
After 36 days of Strike: Jaw Prisoners Suspend Hunger Strike, their Demands will be Met by Sept. 30
On Tuesday morning, September 12, 2023, it was confirmed that some political prisoners suspended their hunger strike, after the prison administration showed flexibility towards their demands, according to human rights sources.
السلطات ترفض الإفراج المؤقّت عن عبدالجليل السنكيس للمشاركة في تشييع وعزاء ابن أخيه
رفضت السلطات الإفراج المؤقّت عن معتقل الرأي القيادي في حركة حق الدكتور عبدالجليل السنكيس للمشاركة في تشييع وعزاء ابن أخيه أحمد السنكيس
قيادات المعارضة البحرينية من السجن تدعو وفد المفوضية السامية إلى لقائها وعدم اقتصار جهوده على تحسين ظروف السجن
دعت قيادات المعارضة المعتقلة في سجن جَوْ المركزي وفد المفوضية السامية لحقوق الإنسان إلى لقائها مؤكدة أنّه يجب أنْ لا تقتصر جهود الوفد على تحسين ظروف السجن
Bahrain, US Sign Strategic Agreement: Protecting Those in Power with Complete US Hegemony
Bahrain and the United States are expected to sign a strategic economic and security agreement this week that will upgrade the U.S. security commitment to the Gulf kingdom, according to US media reports.
Prisoners' Strike Coordinating Committee Announces Suspending Hunger Strike Pending Implementation of Prison Administration's Agreements
The coordinating committee of the "We Have a Right" strike in Jaw Prison officially announced the suspension of the open-ended hunger strike until further notice, pending the implementation of the plan and the path agreed upon with the prison administration.
Amnesty Secretary-General Agnès Callamard Announced Joining Maryam Al-Khawaja in Traveling to Bahrain
Agnès Callamard posted a tweet via "X" platform announcing that "on behalf of Amnesty International 10 million supporters, around the world, I will be joining Maryam Al-Khawaja in traveling to Bahrain this week to call for the release of her father, Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja"
Bahrain Prisoners Suspend Mass Hunger Strike After 36 Days: AFP
Prisoners in Bahrain have suspended a mass hunger strike after 36 days following a pledge from the Gulf monarchy's authorities to improve conditions, activists said on Tuesday.
Hundreds of Bahrain Prisoners Suspend Hunger Strike as Crown Prince to Visit United States- AP
Hundreds of prisoners suspended their monthlong hunger strike in Bahrain, an advocacy group said Tuesday, just ahead of a visit of the island nation's crown prince to the United States.
Washington to Welcome Bahraini Official who Evades Country's Crises Instead of Resolving them
Crown Prince and Prime Minister Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa will travel to the United States next week for an official visit, leaving behind a host of deepening crises, mainly an open-ended hunger strike that more than 800 prisoners of conscience have launched over a month ago.
Employees Dismissed from "Gulf Air" Not Reinstated in Previous Jobs
Employees dismissed from Gulf Air were not reinstated in their previous jobs in the company with the same salary and privileges, but were offered to work in companies affiliated with the Gulf Air Group with new contracts in addition to retirement offers.
US and Bahrain to Sign Strategic Security and Economic Agreement this Week
The U.S. and Bahrain are expected to sign a strategic security and economic agreement this week that will upgrade the U.S. security commitment to the Gulf kingdom, the Axios website quoted sources as saying.
HRW Praises Maryam Al-Khawaja's Courage, Calls on US to Use its Leverage with Bahrain
Human Rights Watch praised the courage of Bahraini human rights activist Maryam Al-Khawaja and her perseverance after she announced last week that she will return to Bahrain to demand the release of her father, prisoner of conscience Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, and other activists who are unjustly imprisoned in Bahrain.