
Renowned US Media Company �The Onion� Produces Short Movie Mocking Bahraini King

2015-09-02 - 1:47 am

Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): "The Onion", a US digital media company, produced a short movie that mocks the Bahraini King and describes him as a merciless despot. On its official Twitter account, followed by more than 8 million users, The Onion said that its reporter Justin Perez spent two years in Bahrain undercover.

The tweet included a video documenting Perez's imaginary experience as a reporter on the ground, where he appears as "Bahrain's Tyrant" who caused serious human rights violations, in reference to Bahrain's king, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

The film's ad starts with "today, on Edge, we will tell you the forgotten story about Bahrain" which it described as "a hell on Earth", adding that Perez will ruled as a merciless ruler for 24 months.

In the video, Perez appears from a terrace, just like kings, then he appears in a television interview and says that the country was in chaos and that it was all caused by him. Perez says that he tried to film the shocking human rights abuses in one of the detention camps he built. Then one of the detainees appears in the film saying "Please have mercy on me".

The "ruler" Perez stated in the movie that "Only in rare occasions were Bahrainis lucky to escape my reign, like Imad Salman, who found asylum in the US and whom I've seen for the first time in two years."

When Imad Salman saw Perez for the first time, the first words he said were: "seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan". Perez said in the video "After convincing Salman that I have no intentions of cutting off his feet, we sat down and chatted about his time under my rule." Salman answered "your militia forced our village to dig a mass grave then shot us like animals." Perez's reaction was "you know! It's insane, you know that I forgot about that."

"I was disgusted with the horrors I perpetrated," Perez further stated, wondering "But who is the bigger monster? Me, the man who personally strapped explosives to the families of my enemies and ordered by state-run media to broadcast their executions as a lesson to others? Or the international community who stood by and did nothing?"

It is noteworthy mention that "The Onion" is an American digital media company that publishes printed publications on the Internet for satire comedy and tackles local and international events, whether in real or fictional ways, as in the video.

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