
Geneva: Denmark Says Jaw Prison Condition Deteriorating, Bahrain Doesn�t Prosecute Perpetrators

2017-05-02 - 1:26 am

Bahrain Mirror - Exclusive: Denmark said that the government of Bahrain has not prosecuted those involved in human rights violations, despite the establishment of accountability institutions and others involved in human rights.

In its intervention on Monday (May 1, 2017) during the 27th UPR session in Geneva on Bahrain's human rights record, Denmark demanded Bahrain to release political detainees, especially prominent rights activist Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, and called for the halt of citizenship revocations against opponents.

"We are concerned over the deterioration of the human rights situation in Bahrain in the past years. The deterioration includes violations of rights in freedom of expression, assembly, association, and arbitrary detentions," Denmark stated.

It also added, "We feel worried over the deteriorating conditions in Jaw Central Prison in the past months, and we recommend the release of those arbitrarily detained, including the Bahraini - Danish citizen Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja."

"We recommend that Bahrain halts citizenship revocations, as we notice there are stateless individuals with no rights in the country," Denmark further said.

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