Bahrain Watch: Leading Bahraini ISPs, Batelco, Viva & Zain are Blocking Telegram Traffic
Bahrain Watch said it recently received reports that some users in Bahrain were having trouble accessing Telegram app.
MoI Arrests Citizens for Posting "Instigative Materials" on Social Media
Bahrain's Ministry of Interior said that it arrested a number of citizens for posting "instigative materials on social media".
10,000 Tweets under Hashtag #Help_Bahraini_Prisoners
Bahrainis launched hashtag #Help_Bahraini_Prisoners to shed light on conditions inside Bahraini prisons.
Former MP Khalid Abdula'al Sentenced to One Year in Prison for "Insulting Interior Ministry"
Bahraini court sentenced former MP Abdula'al to year in prison over posting tweets deemed ...
Bahraini Policemen Circulate their Photos with Political Detainees on Social Media to Defame them
Civilian security members in Bahrain published their photos on social media with security...
Bahraini Court Sentences "Mnarfezhom" to 5 Months in Prison for Accusing Two People of Inciting to Overthrow Regime
Bahrain's Third Minor Criminal Court convicted owner of "Mnarfezhom" Twitter account in two new cases, in which he was accused of insulting two citizens, accusing them of betraying the country and inciting to overthrow the regime.
Bahrain�s Cabinet: Views of Gov�t. Employees on Twitter do not Reflect that of Government
Bahrain�s cabinet announced that social media accounts of state employees working in the government only reflect their own personal views and do not, in any way, reflect the governmental bodies they work for.
The Telegraph: British F1 Driver Tweets on Love for Bahrain Culture Invites Storm of Criticism
The Telegraph addressed �the storm of abuse� that the British Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton invited on Sunday afternoon after �professing his adoration of Bahrain culture,� in a tweet.
Bahraini Blogger Ali Me'raj Released after over 2 Years of Imprisonment over Charges of Insulting Bahraini King
Activists on social media said that blogger and activist Ali Me'raj was released after spending more than two years behind bars.
Bahraini Court Upholds 1-Year Prison Term against Former MP over "Insulting Interior Ministry"
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Court of Appeals upheld on Monday (January 1, 2016), the verdict sentencing the former Bahraini Member of Parliament Khalid Abuld'Aal to one year in prison over charges of insulting the Ministry of Interior.
Bahrain Announces Arresting Protesters & Denouncers of Al-Nimr Execution on Social Media
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Ministry of Interior said in a statement issued on Sunday (January 3, 2016) that it arrested a number of participants in the protests that Bahrain witnessed condemning the Saudi regime�s execution of Sheikh Nimr Al-Nimr.
Freedom House�s Freedom on the Net Report: Bahrain Harasses Twitter Users with Army of Trolls
Bahraini Mirror (Exclusive): Bahrain scored 72 on a scale of (0 = Best, 100 = Worst), according to Freedom House�s annual Freedom on the Net report, which highlighted that an �army of trolls has been active on Twitter since February 2011 to collectively harass and intimidate online activists.�
Bahrain�s MoI Declares It Can Monitor Voice & Written Messages on WhatsApp, Viber & Tango
Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain�s General Director of Anti-Corruption and Economic and Electronic Security, Bassam Al-Miraj, said that the cybercrime department was provided with an experienced technical team assigned to accurately specify the identity of social media users.
Bahrain�s MoI Continues to Hunt Down Tweeters Opposing War on Yemen: �Haji Ahmed� Arrested
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Ministry of Interior said it arrested a Tweeter for �insulting� the Bahraini soldiers killed in Yemen, shortly after taking another into custody over the same charge.
Bahraini Authorities Arrest Tweeter for �Insulting� the 5 Bahraini Soldiers Killed in Yemen
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Ministry of Interior arrested a Tweeter who it claims �insulted Bahrain�s martyrs on social media,�
Trial of Pro-Regime Bawabat Al-Bahrain Website Owner Begins
Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain's first high criminal court presided over by judge Mohammad bin Ali Al Khalifa commenced the trial of the pro-government "Bawabat Al-Bahrain" website owner and decided to adjourn the case until October 8, 2015.
Actor Sankimah Arrested for Circulating Voice Recording �Degrading a Sect�
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Ministry of Interior said that �a person has been arrested for insulting a religious group by circulating an audio recording on social media that degrades one of the respected religious sects in Bahrain.�
Pro-Regime Website "Bawabat Al-Bahrain" Announces Its Closure Due to Prosecution
The �Bawabat Al-Bahrain� website announced its closure after 10 years of work due to a number of prosecutions, as it posted on its page on Saturday (July 18, 2015).
Bahrain Hands over Kuwaiti Citizen accused of Spreading False News Via Whatsapp to His Country
Bahrain Mirror: Kuwaiti websites reported that on Tuesday July 11, 2015, Bahrain handed over a Kuwaiti citizen accused of embezzlement to his country. �The Bahraini security forces arrested a member of the so-called �Fintas Group� at Manama Airport as he attempted to leave to London,� according to the Al-Rai newspaper.