Final Account Rejected: Finance Ministry's Trick and Transfer of Hundreds of Millions to Private Accounts
he Finance Committee of the House of Representatives in Bahrain recommended not to approve the final account of the state for the year 2021, which includes all amounts of actual expenditures and revenues for that fiscal year.
2022 Gov't Accounts Closed: Public Funds Stolen
It is difficult to know whether it is true that Bahrain recorded a deficit in the 2022 budget? How can the figures provided by the Government to the public be verified? Does anyone trust the statements of the Minister of Finance in the first place?
Bahrain: First State to Announce Decline in Oil Sector
While the government of Bahrain announced GDP growth of 6.9% in the second quarter of this year, it noted a decline in oil sector growth by 2.2%. So how did the sector's growth decline as oil prices doubled?
Finance Ministry Announces Inaccurate Numbers Again, Deficit Larger in Reality
Doubts have been raised about the data that the Finance Ministry released regarding the past year and claiming that financial balance has been reached. Did the Ministry present inaccurate information on the deficit after the announced false data on the public debt?
Public Debt Reaches 106%: Why is Finance Ministry Hiding these Numbers?
Why doesn't the Finance Ministry present transparent data on the public debt? Why did it reveal a number less than the actual one last year? How did the government exceed the legal debt ceiling? What are the independent companies that don't add their debts to the general balance? Is there actually any independent company?
Financing Voluntary Retirement from Unemployment Fund to be Passed after Approval of Shura Council Services Committee
The Shura Council Services Committee approved the bill submitted by the government to fund "voluntary retirement" from the Unemployment Fund and referred it for voting.
State Budget: Government Failed to Raise Non-Oil Revenues
The Bahrain state budget for the years 2019-2020 showed no increase in non-oil revenues, which confirms the government's failure to diversify sources of income and rely on oil revenues.
Executive Regulations for VAT Issued, Committee for Tax Grievances and Complaints Established
The Bahraini Finance Minister Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa issued the Executive Regulations on the Value Added Tax (VAT), effective January 1, 2019.
Poor management of "Generations Fund" Prevented 1 Million Dinar Guaranteed Profits
Bahraini House of Representatives approved bill aimed at modifying the structure of the Future Generations Reserve Fund Council in line with the functions carried out by the Council.
NAO: Finance Ministry�s Aramco Payments were Overdue, Interests as a Result Reached 722000 BD
The National Audit Office report for the years 2016-2017 stated that the Ministry of Finance�s payments to Aramco company for the state�s crude oil were overdue.
VAT to Include 90 Commodities, New Taxation Apparatus to Take Over
Information Affairs Minister Ali bin Mohammed Al-Romaihi today held a press attended by Finance Undersecretary Arif Khamis, to cast light on the Gulf Cooperation Council�s (GCC) unified VAT agreement and the GCC�s unified agreement on selective taxation.
PM Appoints Noora Al-Assam as Head of Government Properties Directorate at Finance Ministry
Bahrain's PM Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa issued Edict 32/2016 appointing Ministry of Finance director.
Bahraini Finance Ministry: Recurrent Requests of MPs Reason Behind Budget Deficit Increase
Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini Ministry of Finance pinned the blame on the members of parliament and their �recurrent demands� for the hike in the public debt and the public budget deficit increase.