61 British MPs Sign Motion Demanding Release of Leaders and Political Detainees, Engaging in Dialogue
The British House of Commons is witnessing a widespread movement in light of the high number of voters on a parliamentary motion condemning human rights violations in Bahrain from different parties, within limited hours of its introduction.
Britain: Parliamentary Motion Expresses Concern at Continuing HR Violations in Bahrain
47 British MPs signed a motion expressing grave concern at serious human rights violations in Bahrain.
MP Bernard O'Hara Condemns British Gov't Silence on Detention of Political Prisoners in Bahrain
British MP Bernard O'Hara condemned the arrest of 1400 political prisoners being held in Jaw prison, 500 of whom have been sentenced to 20 years or more.
Letter from Bahrain Mirror to House of Commons Speaker John Bercow
This letter is not to make you aware of the chronic Bahraini situation, as we are sure that the international community, namely London and Washington, has totally abandoned Bahrain and thus put it under eternal oppression and crackdown. This letter is only about ideas that came to our mind while following what is happening in the Westminster democracy.
Shadow Sports Minister Raises Hakeem Al-Araibi�s Case in British House of Commons
Labour MP Rosena Allin-Khan, who is currently the Shadow Sports Minister, raised the case of Bahraini footballer Hakeem Al-Araibi in the house of common's session on Monday (February 4, 2019).
32 British MPs Sign Petition Deploring Degrading Treatment of Political Prisoners in Bahrain
32 British MPs have so far signed a petition deploring the degrading treatment of political prisoner and criticizing the ongoing arrest of Bahraini opposition leaders who were subjected to torture and unlawfully convicted by a military court in 2011.
The Times: Britain Invokes Spy Clause to Cover up Payments to Bahrain
The British �The Times� newspaper said that millions of pounds of British taxpayers� money is being spent in secret on bodies linked to serious human rights abuses in wealthy Gulf states after the government blocked the release of basic information about a shadowy fund administered by the Foreign Office.
UK Parliament Motion Calls for Suspending Assistance Programs to Bahrain, Release All Political Prisoners
British Liberal Democrat MP Tom Brake is leading a movement in the UK Parliament calling for the adoption of a motion for ending degrading treatment against political prisoners in Bahrain.
UK MP Andy Slaughter: We Demand Answers on UK Government Involvement in Violations in Bahrain
UK MP Andy Slaughter said in an article on Politics Home website that the UK�s reputation as a promoter and defender of human rights internationally is increasingly under scrutiny and Parliament deserves answers.
UK MP Sues Reprieve after Criticism for his Work with Bahrain
Belfast Telegraph newspaper said that Senior MP Jeffrey Donaldson and his brother Kingsley are to sue a human rights organization Reprieve over criticisms of work undertaken by a peace-building charity with which they are associated
Bahraini Embassy in London says it Dissolved �Anti-Bahraini Government� British Parliamentary Group
The Embassy of Bahrain in the United Kingdom said it was able to dissolve a �UK parliamentary group concerned with democracy in Bahrain�, describing the move as a �great success�.
British MPs Criticize Holding Event for Bahrain in House of Commons: It has Poor HR Record
British MPs slammed a Conservative MP, Jack Lopresti, for sponsoring and hosting a parliamentary event for the Bahraini government in the House of Commons aiming at whitewashing its human rights record that was met with wide criticism. Lopresti is also accused of receiving thousands of pounds' worth of funding for foreign trips from the repressive Gulf kingdom's rulers.