Bahrain Buys US Weapons, Military Equipment Worth $350 Million amid High Public Debt, Taxes Hike
The United States announced a $350 million sale of military equipment and the refurbishing of helicopters and missile launchers to Bahrain.
US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Calls to Stop Arms Sale to Bahrain due to HR Violations
US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar called on the US government to stop arms sale to Bahrain due to human rights violations.
US Lawmaker Schiff Says US Must End Saudi Support in Yemen War, Suspend Arm Sales
Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the U.S. House of Representatives� intelligence panel, on Tuesday called for an end of U.S. support to Saudi Arabia.
US, Britain Committing Potential War Crimes In Yemen, Amnesty International
Amnesty International on Friday denounced Western arms sales to Saudi Arabia and its allies in a coalition battling the Houthis in Yemen, saying such traffic made a "mockery" of a global arms trade treaty.
Confirming Former Reports, Bahrain Buys 16 F16 Jets Worth $3.8 Billion
Bahrain announced on Tuesday (October 17, 2017) it had signed a $3.8 billion deal with Lockheed Martin for 16 upgraded F-16 fighter jets, after US President Donald Trump�s administration resumed arms sales to Bahrain.
Germany�s Heckler & Koch to Stop Selling Guns to Saudi Arabia, UAE & Israel
Germany�s deadliest weapons manufacturer will no longer sell weapons to war zones or countries that are corrupt, including Saudi Arabia, UAE and Israel.
U.S. Congressman Jim McGovern Denounces Trump Decision to Back F16 Sales to Bahrain, Says Deal Puts US at Risk
U.S. Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), a senior House Democrat and the co-chair of the bipartisan Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, released a statement in response to media reports that the Trump Administration plans to lift all human rights conditions on U.S. sales of F-16 fighter jets to Bahrain.
Washington Post: Trump Team�s Deal with Bahrain could Ignore its Human Rights Abuses
Concerns in Congress and the human rights community are high that Trump team is planning to approve multibillion-dollar sale of fighter jets to Bahrain without any conditions, reported the Washington Post.
Kuwaiti Paper: 8-Billion Dollar US Fighter Jet Deal with Kuwait, Bahrain & Qatar before Obama�s Departure
It�s likely that the Congress will reverse its disapproval of US fighter jet sales to Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain before Obama�s second term ends.
US Air Force: Bahrain Frustrated over Delayed Fighter Jet Sales
US AirForce official urged government to speed up bids by Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain to buy fighter jets.