Freedom House in 2021 Annual Report: Bahrain "Not Free", Activist Subjected to Spying, Attacks
Freedom House Organization said in its 2021 annual report, published on its official website, that "Internet freedom in Bahrain remains restricted. Authorities continued to block websites and forced the removal of online content, particularly social media posts criticizing the government."
Freedom House Lists Nabeel Rajab among Faces of Internet Freedom in the World
Freedom House has listed 12 people as the most prominent figures in combating injustice via their online activity. Among these figures was Bahraini human rights activist Nabeel Rajab, who has been detained by the authorities in Bahrain since mid last year.
AP: Canadian Firm Helping Bahrain Censor the Web - Researchers
Researchers have identified a Canadian company at the center of a small Arab nation's online censorship system - a finding that sits awkwardly with Ottawa officials' public support for digital freedoms.
BCHR Report about Internet Freedom: 842 Months in Prison to 40 Internet Users
Bahrain Center for Human Rights said that the Bahraini judiciary sentenced at least 40 Internet users to more than 842 months in prison. Meanwhile, at least 17 Internet users remain in prison, including BCHR's President Nabeel Rajab.
Bahrain�s MoI Recovers Instagram Account of Deputy Chief of Public Security after Insulting Shia
The Bahraini Ministry of Interior claimed on Wednesday (August 24, 2016) that the Instagram account of Deputy Chief of Public Security Khalifa bin Ahmad Al Khalifa was hacked, few hours after insulting Shia on Instagram.
How Did �Bahrain Watch� Tests Prove Bahraini Gov�t Technique in Deliberate Cut of Internet in Diraz?
Internet and digital security expert Bill Marczak believes Bahraini government's war is stretching from the streets of Diraz to reach the Internet.
Bahrain Court Sentences Tweeter to 2 Years in Prison for "Inciting Hatred against Regime"
Bahraini court sentenced tweeter to two years in prison, after accusing him of "inciting hatred against the regime."
Bahrain's Interior Ministry Arrests Several for Circulating Inciting Posts on Social Media
Bahrain�s Interior Ministry said it arrested many individuals who were misusing social media outlets, through posting inciting materials, which included offenses that are punishable by law.