Delegation from Interpol Holds Seminar for Bahraini Officers
The Interpol held an awareness seminar for liaison officers at the Ministry of Interior.
Numerous Victims of Qualifications System Evaluation: Read Comments of Chief of Public Security�s Son
What if you were told that the national committee of accreditation of foreign qualifications didn�t accept to accredit your graduation from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US, which is ranked globally as one of the most important universities.
Public Security Chief Says Religious Visits to Iran Used as Cover for Inciting Acts against Bahrain
Chief of Public Security Major-General Tariq Al-Hassan accused Iran of interfering in Bahrain�s internal affairs, while receiving a delegation from the US Senate.
US Congress Staff Delegation Visits Bahrain, Meets Justice Minister and Public Security Chief
A US Congress staff delegation met Justice Minister Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa and Chief of Public Security Tariq Al-Hassan.
Public Security Chief Receives USCIRF Delegation, Says Bahrain Guarantees Freedom of Religious Practice
Chief of Public Security Tariq Al Hassan received a delegation of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), claiming that Bahrain continues seeking �to reinforce dialogue between different cultures and religions.�
Chief of Public Security Says 20 Policemen Killed in Bahrain since 2011
Chief of Public Security Tariq Al-Hassan said on Thursday (May 18, 2017) that 20 policemen were killed since 2011, indicating that the security apparatuses had seized a number of Iranian linked cells.
MoI Says it Respects Religious Occasions Despite Committing Violations against Ashura Rituals in 15 Villages
The Chief of Public Security Tariq Al-Hassan claimed that the Ministry of Interior respects all religious occasions, including Ashura. This comes after the ministry took down Ashura banners and attacked those who participated in erecting the banners and flags.