� Bahraini Military
Bahrain Defence Force Introduces Poor Quality Masks in Markets after Obliging Citizens to Wear them
Bahrain Mirror received information that the Bahrain Defence Force (BDF) supplied markets with poor quality masks which were sold at high prices on Thursday (April 9, 2020).
Bahrain Seeks New F-16Vs, Upgrade of Existing Fighters, Agency
The Kingdom of Bahrain seeks to strengthen its air force with the purchase of 19 F-16V aircraft and upgrade of 20 more F-16s in its fleet, reported United Press International (UPI).
Funeral Held for Slain Bahraini Woman, Family Says Killer was Likely Harassing her
Funeral ceremony held on Sunday (December 25, 2016) at Muharraq cemetary for Bahraini sports journalist Iman Salehi, who was killed at hands of Bahraini military officer.