NIHR Establishes Committee to Follow Implementation of Geneva UPR Recommendations
The NIHR said that it established a committee to follow the government implementation of recommendations of the Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review Working Group for Bahrain, headed by the chairman of the institution and memberships of the vice president, chairman of the committee on civil and political rights, chairman of committee on economic, social and cultural rights and the Secretary-General.
Bahrain Takes Severe Hit at UPR in Geneva, Brian Dooley
Bahrain took a rare public reprimand at its United Nations� Universal Periodic Review, said Brian Dooley, as the Bahraini government�s delegation had to sit and listen as country after country listed concerns about the country�s failure to introduce real reform despite promises made at its last UPR in 2012.
Activists to Bahrain Mirror on UPR: US Stance Surprising, UK's Stance like any Arab Country
Bahrain failed another round in the United Nations. No one now believes the small state that masters falsifying recommendations and investing in the ad to waste time. 20 members wearing elegant suits and ties sat in the Human Rights Council (HRC) to be insulted. All the member-states' recommendations were on a side, and they were on the opposite one. The 20 members came to read papers like "robots". They became a mockery.
HRC Adopts Recommendations to Bahrain, Qatar Withdraws Stance
The United Nations' Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted on Friday (May 5, 2017) recommendations to Bahrain on its human rights record, at the end of the 27th session of the Universal Period Review (UPR) on Bahrain in Geneva.
Al-Wefaq Calls on HRC to Introduce �Binding Measures� to Stop Violations in Bahrain
Bahrain�s Islamic National Society Al-Wefaq demanded the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) to move from its �verbal condemnation� of Bahrain to introduce binding measured to stop the violations in the country.
ADHRB Director to Bahrain Mirror: Al-Dossari Exhibits Lack of Diplomatic Experience for Attacking OHCHR at the UN
Bahraini activist and executive director of (ADHRB) Husain Abdulla said that the recommendations presented to Bahrain, during the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on Bahrain�s human rights record in Geneva on Monday (May 1, 2017), are the fruits of the Bahraini organizations efforts and that of the Bahraini activists, inside and outside Bahrain, through their continuous meetings with the diplomatic delegations and foreign ministries of the states to reflect the real incidents taking place in Bahrain.
2017 HRC UPR Working Group on Bahrain Issues Draft Report; Another Set of 176 Recommendations
The Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Twenty-Seventh session issued an unedited version of its draft report on Bahrain, on Wednesday (May 3, 2017). The 2017 recommendations seem to mirror the 2012 recommendations, as both sets line up to 176 recommendations.
Geneva 2017 Sees no Activists from Bahrain: Does HRC Need another Evidence?
It�s been 5 years since the United Nations issued 176 recommendations to the Government of Bahrain to reform the deteriorating human rights status. Bahrain has been a country full of torture, killing, labor dismissals and sectarian persecution.
HR Organizations Thank HRC Member-States for Fundamental Recommendations on Violations in Bahrain
Bahraini human rights organizations thanked the countries that presented fundamental recommendations to �stop the continuous violations and to achieve radical human rights reform in Bahrain.�
OHCHR in its UPR Report: Concerns about Travel Ban and Diraz Siege
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) issued a report which is a summary of the information mentioned in the reports of treaty bodies and special procedures in the UN documents relevant to Bahrain.
Geneva: Ireland Concerned over Bahrain Travel Ban on Activists Preventing HRC Participation
Ireland expressed deep concern over the travel ban imposed on activists in Bahrain, preventing them from coming to Geneva to take part in the ongoing UN Human Rights Council session.
Geneva: Lithuania Demands Bahrain not to Arbitrarily Strip Journalists of Licenses
Lithuania demanded the Bahraini government to stop its policy of stripping journalists of their licenses, and allow them to carry out their work.
Geneva: Luxembourg Condemns the Execution of 3 Dissidents in Bahrain
Luxembourg condemned the Bahraini authorities� execution of 3 dissident early this year, demanding it to immediately stop the execution of death penalties. Luxembourg noted that Bahrain still faces many challenges.
Geneva: Italy Demands Bahrain to Prosecute Perpetrators of Human Rights Violations
Italy demanded Bahrain to prosecute all those involved in the violation of human rights in Bahrain.
Geneva: Honduras Demands Bahrain to Cooperation with OHCHR
Honduras demanded the government of Bahrain to fully cooperate with the Officer of High Commission for Human Rights (OHCHR), and send an open invitation to the UN Special Rapporteurs to visit the country.
Geneva: Iceland Demands Bahrain to Release Prisoners of Conscience in Bahrain
Iceland demanded the government of Bahrain to abide by its international commitments and to an inclusive reconciliation process.
Geneva: India Demands Bahrain to Invite UN Special Rapporteurs to Visit Country
India demanded the government of Bahrain to send an open invitation for UN Special Rapporteurs in the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit the country.
Geneva: Iran Concerned over Continuous Persecution of Shiites in Bahrain
The Islamic Republic of Iran expressed concern the continuous persecution of Shiites in Bahrain, arrests, and deprivation of citizenships for some Shiite religious clerics.
Geneva: Iraq Recommends Bahrain Implements 2012 UPR Recommendations
Iraq demanded the government of Bahrain to implement its commitments and promises in the previous 2012 Universal Periodic Review (UPR) cycle in Geneva.
Geneva: Guatemala Demands Bahrain to Invite Special Rapporteurs to Visit Country
Guatemala demanded the government of Bahrain to invite UN Special Rapporteurs to visit the country, and to end sectarian persecution.