U.S. Commerce Sets Anti-Dumping Duties on Aluminum Sheet from 16 countries
The U.S. Commerce Department on Tuesday issued final anti-dumping duties on common alloy aluminum sheet from 16 of 18 countries investigated, including up to 242.8% on imports from Germany and 83% on imports from Bahrain.
Bahrain Reduces Work Permit Fees by 50% for 3 Months
The Cabinet approved in its session on Monday a decision to reduce some fees imposed by the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) on all kinds of work permits for one year, and all monthly fees related to them by 50% for three months, starting from this month (July).
2019 Roundup: Gov�t Obtains One Billion, 100 Million from Citizens� Pockets
2019 ended with more financial complications for Bahrain. There was no more room for the financial balance lie. The state hadn�t actually benefited from the retirement of thousands of its employees under the voluntary retirement program.
Bahrain Gov�t Plans on Collecting 1 Billion and 100 Million in Taxes and Duties
�Once you pop, you can�t stop�: This Pringles advertised slogan applies to what the Bahraini government is doing to its citizens. The pockets of Bahrainis have been popped and devoured in the name of taxes and duties and the authorities don�t seem willing to stop anytime soon, as the government plans on collecting one billion and 100 million in two years.
IMF Expects Bahrain Economy to Grow 1.8 pct in 2019
Bahrain's economy is expected to grow around 1.8 percent in 2019, the same pace as last year, the International Monetary Fund said late on Tuesday.
Over 2,000 Companies Registered for the VAT
The National Bureau for Revenue (NBR) said that over 2,000 companies have registered for the VAT.
GCC Intends to Add New Taxes to Selective Tax
The GCC Committee of Undersecretaries of the Ministries of Finance held a meeting on Monday, 5 November 2018, in Kuwait. The committee stated that there is an intention to expand the scope of goods covered by the selective tax.
Garmco Exempted from US Aluminium Fees
Bahrain-based Gulf Aluminum Rolling Mill Company (Garmco) said its US subsidiary has been granted tariff exemptions to facilitate smooth imports from the kingdom.
Concerns about Raising Bahrain Polytechnic Fees after Passing New Law
MPs expressed their concerns that the new bill discussed by council regarding Bahrain Polytechnic would increase the 120 BD credit fees on students.
Gulf States Don�t Intend to Raise VAT to 10%, Kuwaiti Official
Gulf officials have ruled out any plans by GCC states to raise the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate to 10 percent.
Political Climate to Limit Benefits of VAT in Bahrain, Kuwait & Oman, BMI Report Shows
The current political climate will limit the benefits of the value-added tax (VAT) in parts of the GCC, such as Bahrain, stated a new report from BMI Research.
Reuters: Bahrain Puts Fresh Austerity on Hold as it Mulls Subsidy System
The government of Bahrain will not go ahead with fresh austerity measures to cut its budget deficit until parliament agrees on a new system to compensate citizens for a higher cost of living, officials said on Tuesday.
2017: VAT and Additional Fees Added to Burdens of Bahrainis
Complementing the austerity policy and the lifting of subsidies on basic goods and services, the government has approved the value added tax (VAT) in a Gulf agreement to add more burdens on the shoulders of Bahrainis.
Saudi, UAE Introduce VAT in First for Gulf
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates introduced value-added tax from Monday, a first for the Gulf which has long prided itself on its tax-free, cradle-to-grave welfare system.
Selective Tax on Tobacco, Soft Drinks and Energy Drinks Starts Next Saturday
The prices of tobacco products, soft drinks and energy drinks will double as the Excise Tax on Selected Items Law will come into effect this Saturday, the Finance Ministry said. The new levies include 100% tax on tobacco products and 50% on soft drinks.
Reuters: Bahrain says it will join BEPS Framework to Exit EU's Tax-Haven Blacklist
Bahrain will join a group of countries committed to fighting corporate tax avoidance as it seeks to be taken off the European Union's tax-haven blacklist, the Bahraini Ministry of Finance said on Thursday.
Bahrain�s Shura Council Approves Selective Taxation VAT
Bahraini legislative Shura Council approved by overwhelming majority the joining of Bahrain in the unified GCC agreement on selective taxation and Value Added Tax (VAT).
Shura Council to Vote on Selective Taxation Sunday
The Shura council intends to vote on the �Selective� Tax draft law in its Sunday session. The financial and economic committee at the council voted on the matter on Thursday, and agreed on the draft law.