� Ebdaa Bank
Ebdaa Bank Appoints Sanjeev Paul in its Board of Directors
Ebdaa Bank Bahrain for micro-financing announces that the Chief Executive of Bahrain Development Bank (BDB) has become a member of the Edbaa Bank board of directors for the remainder of its current session. BDB Chief Executive, Sanjeev Paul, is the successor of Dalal Ismail, who was a BDB representative in the board for over five years.
Al-Ebdaa Bank Presents False Information about CEO on Website
Al-Ebdaa Bank is mistaken to defend its deceitful CEO Khalid Al-Ghazzawi.
Ebdaa Bank CEO Hired by Member of Al Khalifa Family, his Father�s Colleague of Bahrain King
CEO of Ebdaa Bank Jordanian Khalid Al-Ghazzawi�s makes miserable attempt to show that his employment was based on his competence in this field, and not on a forged doctorate or any other factors.