UN Team: 4 Bahraini Opposition Leaders Subjected to Arbitrary Detention, Torture, Enforced Disappearance, Unfair Trial, and Medical Neglect
The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, on Monday, March 18, 2024, confirmed that 4 senior Bahraini opposition leaders were subjected to arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearance, unfair trial, and medical neglect.
Mother of Detained Child, Qasim Al-Samie: Interior Ministry Targets Our Children, Officer Told Him: As We Brought Your Siblings for Interrogation, I Brought You
The mother of detained child, Qasim Jameel Al-Samie (17), a victim of arbitrary detention, demanded his release, stating that he is innocent of the charges raised against him and calling for implementing the law. This comes after he was presented to the Public Prosecution, and his detention was renewed two weeks for the third time.
Mother of Detained Youth Maytham Salman Protests Outside CID for His Release, Authorities Threaten Her with Arrest!
The mother of a young Bahraini, Maytham Mahmoud Ahmad Salman (18), staged a protest on Sunday in front of the Criminal Investigations Department building demanding the release of her son, who was arrested by the authorities without justification.
Al-Wefaq Report on "Restrictive Political Environment in Bahrain": Regime Prevented Political work, Committed Various Violations
Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society launched on Saturday, March 4, 2023, a report entitled "Restrictive Political Environment in Bahrain," in which it shed light on the political and human rights situation in Bahrain, with the approach of the IPU meetings convening in Bahrain from 11 to 15 March 2023 in Manama.
UN Rapporteurs Ask Bahraini Gov't to Provide them With Answer to Questions about Arrest Background and Conditions of Minors
Three United Nations Special Procedures offices published on their website on 16 February 2023 an allegation letter sent to the government of Bahrain to express concern over the arrest of 4 citizens in October 2021, three of whom were minors and were arrested without a warrant.
Imad Al-Araibi Dies after Eight Years in Prison
Al-Araibi's family, who lives in the village of Al-Musalla, was saddened by the loss of their son Imad a few months after his release from prison following 8 years of arbitrary arrest.
UN Condemns Bahrain�s Detention of Activist Alwadaei�s Family over UK Protest, Calls for their Release
The Guardian reported that Bahrain has been found guilty by a UN body of arbitrarily detaining three relatives of a British-based human rights activist as a reprisal for his protest in London against the visit of the country�s king in 2017.